2021年 Christmas Play Teachers’ Comments
美しが丘 K2 Teacher Jesse

美しが丘 K1 Teacher Allan

美しが丘 P2 Teacher Ryan

美しが丘 P1 Teacher James

センター北 K1&K2 Teacher Matthew

センター北 P1&P2 Teacher Reyes

センター北 P1 and P2 Teacher Darryl
The play seemed to go very smoothly and the outcome was a very nice performance by the students. (And thank you parents for all your hard work, too.)
The practices were a good opportunity for the students to begin using their English skills in a new way coordinating with their dancing and acting.
They understood their roles quite quickly and the short practices helped keep the children’s excitement up.
I am very proud of the amazing effort each student put in and that the result of their hard work who a very nice performance. Great job, students!
梶が谷 K2 Teacher Bill
The students practiced very diligently at home and at school the entire time that they had the script. They also enjoyed practicing the dance moves for all the songs.
The kids did a great job adjusting to such a huge stage and not getting nervous when the curtain came up. They all remembered their lines and sequence of the play.
After the performance was over, I gave them all a high five and we gathered together in a circle and chanted, “We did a great job”!
梶が谷 K1 Teacher Jasmine
I am so very proud of the K1 students. They jumped at the chance to practice their dance routines for the songs, and consistently practiced their lines (and their friends’ lines too!) everyday. Their personalities shone through on the day, and even when presented with a few challenges and difficulties, they worked as a team to solve them and continued on with the show. Well done K1!
梶が谷 P2 Teacher Sacha
I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly they picked up the rehearsal routine and choreography. They really wanted to create a “special present” for their families with their performance.
They gave it all their energy and love, putting on a wonderful show! I could see how happy they were to be on stage, showing what they could do.
I’m so proud of how hard you all worked. Always remember, the most important thing that I got is to have fun!
梶が谷 P1 Teacher Josh
Everyone did very well, and their excitement with each practice grew. They began to enjoy singing the song a lot more, even singing it outside of practice.
I feel that they all did very well considering it was their first time on a stage in front of many people. They forgot one part of the actions, but their singing was great, and they were all very brave.
The same as I said to them once we got off of the stage, well done! You did a great job, and I am very proud of you.