2022 Christmas Play さらに成長した子どもたちに先生も感動!
【梶ヶ谷校 Preschool 1】
This was my first Christmas play with English Express and I was very excited to see what my students would make of their first time under the spotlights. I was amazed by the student’s behavior backstage and on stage. I feel so privileged to be part of an experience like this, especially with my preschool students. I also think the parents did an outstanding job of making all the costumes and props. Just stunning! I really can’t wait for next year’s play. But first let’s have a Merry Christmas!
P1 Teacher : Rudolf
2022年のEnglish Expressのクリスマスプレイは私にとっては初めてで、生徒たちがスポットライトの下で何を作り上げていくのかとても楽しみにしていました。ステージ上やステージ裏での生徒たちの振る舞いにとても驚きました。このような素晴らしい経験を自分のプリスクールの生徒たちと一緒にできたことをとても光栄に感じています。また、保護者の皆様のコスチュームやステージ上の小道具作りなどのサポートも子供たちの活躍に欠かせない大きな貢献でした。感動しました。来年度のクリスマスプレイもすでに待ちきれませんが、まずは皆様にとって良いクリスマスになりますように!
P1 Teacher : Rudolf
This year, the P1 students had pretty tough play practice. Rudolf and I couldn’t be happier with how well they did in practice, and how hard they tried on the day of the Christmas play. It certainly is a daunting experience for young children, and they did an exceptional job at staying calm and remembering their lines and choreography. Well done P1, I am sure you will do great again next year in P2.
P1 Teacher : Josh
P1 Teacher : Josh
【梶ヶ谷校 Preschool 2】

I feel this year's Christmas play and preparation were a great experience for the children. The result of their hard work and practice was a very nice visual presentation that was a truly exciting, memorable and enjoyable gift for their parents and families. The stage props were remarkable, as well, and added to the overall play's success.
P2 Teacher : Darryl
P2 Teacher : Darryl
【梶ヶ谷校 Kindergarten 1 & 2】

K1 did such an amazing job with their Christmas play. There was not a lot of rehearsal time, but they managed to remember their lines, stage movements and numerous songs and chants, and overall, successfully performed a fun and energetic play. I am very proud of what they have achieved and had shown great teamwork on the day. Well done!
K1 Teacher : Jasmine
K1 Teacher : Jasmine

I couldn’t have been more impressed with everyone’s effort this year. The Christmas play was a complete success and most importantly the kids all looked like they had fun. With only a few weeks of preparation, the kids were able to memorize their lines, and remember songs. It was also amazing to see how they easily adapted from practicing in our classroom to the huge theater. I am so proud of each and everyone of our students and appreciate all the hard work our parents and teachers put into making this one of the best plays ever.
Head Teacher : Bill
Head Teacher : Bill
【センター北校 Preschool 1 & 2】

Congratulations to all the children and parents for another successful Christmas play. This year's performances were amazing. I was blown away by everyone's choreography and their line delivery. All the children sang and danced their hearts out, and we are all extremely proud of them. The sets, costumes and decorations were all wonderful, I felt I was transported into a magical Christmas land. Thank you to all the parents for helping us bring this play to life.
P1&P2 Teacher : Reyes
P1&P2 Teacher : Reyes
【センター北校 Kindergarten 1 & 2】

This year's play was a special one, as we tried a new theme which focused more on the children and their Christmas experiences. Nevertheless, it still contained the guiding idea of the 'Spirit of Christmas' and I think all the students did an absolutely fantastic job bringing this out.In particular I felt the students were able to not only express the joy and happiness of the season, but also of their feelings while performing. Their enjoyment of the whole production shone through in their performances, and brought a special magic to the day. Of course, without the special magic of the mother's and father's amazing efforts on costumes and sets, none of this would have been possible, so I send a big thank you out to them, and I am sure the children do too.
Director : Jesse
2022年の劇は、子供たちと子供たちのクリスマスの体験に焦点をあてた新しいテーマに挑戦し特別な物になりました。テーマには「クリスマス精神」の基本となる考え方が含まれており、素晴らしい演技を見せてくれたと思います。特に、楽しさや幸せさを演じるだけでなく、彼らの素直な感情も表現できました。生徒達の楽しいという感情が劇に表れ、それがひとつの魔法となっていました。もちろん、衣装や大道具作りへのご家族の皆様のご協力という魔法なしではここまで素晴らしいものに作り上げることはできませんでした。ご協力いただき、支えてくださった皆様へ心より感謝申し上げます。 生徒たちも同じように感じていることでしょう。
Director : Jesse
【美しが丘校 Preschool 1】

I was beyond proud of my student’s performances today. Seeing them dance around as jingle bells and being able to sing along to the song was definitely a high point for me this school year. These kids were so brave to be able to perform in front of such a big crowd and have fun with it none the less. They have come so far and their potentials are limitless! Merry Christmas!!
P1 Teacher : Zach
ここまで頑張れた彼らの可能性は、無限です! メリークリスマス!
P1 Teacher : Zach
【美しが丘校 Preschool 2】

Our P2 class put in lots of hard work on this year’s play. They went out on stage knowing what they needed to do and they were able to perform in front of an audience without issue. We had so much fun practicing and getting into character and I think it showed, as the children spent the entire time on stage laughing and smiling. P2 is the first year students perform parts of the play on their own, without any support, and they knew what to do, making their time on stage a resounding success. While there were some early jitters before going on stage, the children worked together, helping one another gain the confidence to recite their lines and perform their dance all by themselves. They did a wonderful job and am very proud of what they were able to accomplish.
P2 Teacher : Ryan
P2 Teacher : Ryan
【美しが丘校 Kindergarten1】

Another year, another wonderful Christmas play! I'm proud of all the hard work the students put into learning their lines, dances, and songs. I would also like to thank the parents for their hard work on the amazing props. We all had a lot of fun with the play onstage and off. Thank you everyone for the wonderful memories.
K1 Teacher : Allan
K1 Teacher : Allan
【美しが丘校 Kindergarten 2】

All the students gave a terrific performance in the play. I was very pleased with how well they worked together. The focus and enthusiasm that they showed during our practice sessions and rehearsals was evident when they were on stage. The children were obviously pleased with the play and they were all proud of what they had accomplished. I hope that students and parents alike remember the play as a very special childhood holiday experience.
Head Teacher : Matthew
Head Teacher : Matthew