2023年 Christmas Play Teachers’ Comments
2023年12月、English ExpressのChristmas Playは子どもたちの成長ぶりや保護者様方にご協力頂いたこども達の衣装や舞台装置もクオリティが高く、先生たちも感激していました。先生からのコメントをお伝えします。
- 1. Kajigaya P1 Rudolph
- 2. Kajigaya P2 Darryl
- 3. Kajigaya P2 Timothy
- 4. Kajigaya K1 Allan
- 5. Kajigaya K2 Bill
- 6. Center-Kita P1 Andrew
- 7. Centerkita P2 Zach
- 8. Centerkita P2 Tom
- 9. Centerkita K1&K2 Jesse
- 10. Utsukushigaoka P1 Shane
- 11. Utsukushigaoka P2 Josh
- 12. Utsukushigaoka K1 Daniel
- 13. Utsukushigaoka K2 Matthew
Kajigaya P1 Rudolph
The Christmas Play was a new and awesome experience for all of the P1 students. Even though some were scared or uncomfortable at first, they soon started to enjoy the environment and event. I was pleasantly surprised by how well they did on stage and thoroughly enjoyed performing with them. What an incredible bunch!
Kajigaya P2 Darryl
Every year, it is such a joy to watch the children get excited about Christmas and begin practicing their lines and actions for the play. This year was just as enjoyable, and I really thought the children did a great job all the way around. I know the children look forward to doing this play for their families. Their effort, and the incredible effort of the parents on prop creation to the costume planning turn the play into a truly magical event! Great job, everyone!
毎年クリスマスが近づくと子供達が興奮し、劇のセリフや踊りを練習し始めるのを見るのはとても嬉しいことです。今年も同じように楽しかったですし、子どもたちは本当によく頑張ったと思います。子どもたちは、家族のためにこの劇を演じることを楽しみにしています。彼らの頑張りと、小道具の作成から衣装の計画までの保護者様の信じられないほどの努力は、この劇を本当に魔法のようなイベントに変えました! 皆様よくがんばりました!
Kajigaya P2 Timothy
The Christmas play was a great experience for the students. The student showed great enthusiasm and really enjoyed practicing the dance. They really did surprise me learning each other’s lines not only theirs. The play really gave them a sense of pride at the end. I was happy to see how much the students had grown in a short time. They were so amazing and it was a fun experience.
Kajigaya K1 Allan
What an amazing Christmas play our students put on! I’m incredibly proud of each one of them for their enthusiasm and hard work. A big thank you to all the parents for their wonderful support in building those fantastic props – it truly made the performance magical!
Kajigaya K2 Bill
It was another spectacular Christmas Play and the students performed amazingly. It was wonderful to witness my kindergartners adjust themselves to a large stage when all of their practice was done at home or in the classroom. I couldn’t be any prouder of how they were able to memorize their lines, songs and dance moves. I know all of my students will have fond memories of the play and the look of joy their parents had as they watched. Great job everyone!
Center-Kita P1 Andrew
The 2023 Christmas play was a rousing success! The students from Center Kita P1, did a fantastic job being part of their first English Express Christmas play. All the students worked very hard in the lead up to the play learning their lines and dancing to the song. It made me very proud to see them do such a great job on the big day. Although P1 students may have had the shortest amount of time on stage, they made up for it by being the cutest and giving a fantastic performance. A massive thanks goes out to the parents of all students for their hard work preparing fantastic looking costumes and sets for the play. I look forward to seeing all the students from Center Kita P1, in next year`s Christmas play.
2023年のクリスマス劇は大成功でした! センター北P1の生徒たちは、初めてのEnglish Expressのクリスマス劇に出演するという素晴らしい仕事をしました。生徒たちは皆、芝居に向けてセリフを覚えたり、歌に合わせて踊ったりと、一生懸命練習しました。大事な日に彼らが素晴らしい仕事をしてくれたのを見て、とても誇りに思いました。P1の生徒たちはステージに立つ時間が一番短かったかもしれませんが、それを補って余りある可愛さと素晴らしいパフォーマンスを披露してくれました。素晴らしい衣装や舞台装置を用意してくださった保護者の皆さんに心から感謝します。来年のクリスマス劇でセンター北P1の生徒たちにまた会える事を楽しみにしています。
Centerkita P2 Zach
The Preschool 2 class of Center Kita did an extraordinary job at the Christmas play this year! Nothing made me more proud as a teacher than to watch my students work hard and practice everyday getting their lines and dance moves down. Of course the parents also need a huge thank you for their undying support and not to mention the amazing job they did with all of the props and costumes! 2023 was an excellent year for the Preschool 2 at Center Kita, I cannot wait to see what the new year has in store!
センター北のプリスクール2クラスは、今年のクリスマス劇で素晴らしい仕事をしました! 生徒たちが一生懸命練習し、セリフやダンスの動きを練習しているのを見ることほど、教師として誇りに思うことはありませんでした。もちろん保護者様の不朽のサポートと、全ての小道具と衣装をご用意いただいた素晴らしい仕事は言うまでもありません! 2023年は、センター北のプリスクール2にとって素晴らしい年でした。2023年はセンター北のプリスクール2にとって素晴らしい年でした、新年が待ちきれません!
Centerkita P2 Tom
“Personal and collective achievement in light of best effort” is a healthy definition of success, which I always like to adhere to, especially in a case like the Christmas Play. From the hard work and diligence of all the students, the commitment and passion of all the teachers and staff, and the gift of love and care from all the parents and families, it was a real joy to see so many smiles on so many faces. Indeed, it was the spirit of Christmas come to life. A true success in every sense of the word.
Centerkita K1&K2 Jesse
This year was certainly one of our greatest plays. It was not only great, but also unique. Never before have we had a final ‘grand performance’ which included all the members of the entire play. This was wonderful for both the students, but also, I hope, the audience. Whatever the case, it was definitely a play to remember, and one which will remain in the hearts of our students for many years to come.
Utsukushigaoka P1 Shane
The Christmas play was so much fun! I am so thrilled to help spread Christmas joy with all of the student’s performances. The children loved practicing, and we’re eager to show off their hard work. Although it wasn’t easy, the students in P1 were all proud of the performance they put on. I was very glad to have a part in creating what is sure to be a long lasting, wonderful Christmas memory for all of the students.
Utsukushigaoka P2 Josh
First, I would like to thank all of the parents for their hard work making the set pieces, as well as the costumes for all of the children, and their support throughout the practice period. I am very proud of all of my P2 students. They all did a great job learning the song and their lines, as well as quite a difficult dance routine. They all worked hard, and did their best every day. I would also like to congratulate all of the other years for doing a great job, and presenting one of the best Christmas plays we have had so far.
Utsukushigaoka K1 Daniel
I am very glad to have enjoyed my first Christmas play with English Express! It was a lot of hard work and practice, but it had a great pay off and I couldn’t be prouder of the students and all the moms and dads who helped with the preparation. There were no problems on the day thankfully, and that shows that the preparation we did was worth it in the end. The children showed perseverance, intelligence and great Christmas spirit. Thank you very much, to everyone involved!
English Expressで初めてのクリスマス劇を楽しむことができ、とてもうれしかったです! 大変な努力と練習でしたがその甲斐あって当日は大成功でした。準備を手伝ってくださったお母様、お父様たち、そして子供たちのことをこれ以上ないほど誇りに思います。ありがたいことに当日は問題無く進み、準備に甲斐があったことが分かります。子供たちは忍耐力、知性、そして素晴らしいクリスマスの精神を示しました。関係者の皆様、大変ありがとうございました!
Utsukushigaoka K2 Matthew
The Christmas play was a great success. The children gave a terrific performance. I was so pleased with how well they worked together in their scenes. The effort and enthusiasm that they showed during our practice sessions and rehearsals were definitely on full display during the performance. The children were clearly pleased with the play and they were all proud of their accomplishment. The children understood the story of the play, and the final scene gave all of the students a chance to celebrate the spirit of Christmas. I hope that both students and parents remember the play as a very special holiday experience and wonderful childhood memory.