2024年 Christmas Play Teachers’ Comments
12月17日に、English ExpressのChristmas Playが行われました。18世紀のClassic Syleの舞台設定でした。前年度に引き続き、こども達の衣装や舞台装置もクオリティが高く、感動的でした。先生たちからのコメントをお伝えします。
Utsukushigaoka K2 Matthew
The Christmas play was wonderful. The children gave a fantastic performance. I was very pleased with their teamwork and individual performances. The effort and enthusiasm that they showed during our practice sessions and rehearsal were definitely on full display during the performance. The children were happy with the play and they were all proud of their accomplishment. The children understood the story of the play, and the final scene gave all of the students a chance to have a fun snowball fight and sing about the importance of kindness and friendship. I hope that both students and parents remember the play as a special holiday experience and wonderful childhood memory.
Utsukushigaoka K1 Andrew
This year’s Christmas play ‘The Great Snowball War’ was a rousing success. All the students did fantastically and put on a heart warming and fun performance. Their diligence during rehearsal really paid off as even with some students unfortunately being absent on the day, their classmates were able to fill in and remember all the lines. I know all those watching enjoyed the songs and acting from the students very much, but a big thanks must go out to the parents. Without all their help making props and making sure all the students had beautiful costumes, we couldn’t have put on such a great production.
今年もクリスマスプレイ“The Great Snowball War”は、大盛況でした。生徒たちはみんな素晴らしく、心温まる楽しいパフォーマンスとなりました。当日、残念ながら欠席の子どももいましたが、リハーサルもしっかりと頑張っていた子どもたちはその子のセリフも覚えていてカバーすることができました。生徒たちの歌う姿、演技を多くの方に楽しんで頂けたことと思います。保護者の皆様から多大なご尽力を賜りましたことを一番に感謝しております。
Utsukushigaoka P2 Dominique
The Christmas play was another memorable event. The children worked so hard and put on a great performance. The parents also gave it their all by helping to make props and set pieces so the play would look great. Thank you for everyone’s hard work and I can’t wait for next year’s play.
Utsukushigaoka P1 Shane
The Christmas play was so much fun. It was great to see all of the hard work and practice pay off on the final stage. All of the parents worked hard to create the props and costumes, and seeing everything come together made me proud to play a small part in such a wonderful production. Working together with everyone to put on an amazing performance was an amazing way to help spread Christmas cheer, and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. I’m glad that the students can carry with them the memory of a successful Christmas play experience.
Kajigaya K2 Bill
This year’s Christmas play was an amazing example of how quickly our children were able to memorize their lines, lyrics, and dance moves. The children also learned a valuable lesson about getting along with others. It was especially memorable for me to see all of their smiles as the final curtain went down with the sense of accomplishment on their hearts.
Kajigaya K1 Steven
What a fantastic Christmas play our students put on! I’m so proud of their incredible effort and enthusiasm. A heartfelt thank you to all the parents for their support in creating the beautiful displays and practicing the script lines with the kids at home – it truly made a difference. It was wonderful to see the children shine on stage, performing so well and showing how much hard work they put into it. Most importantly, the kids really enjoyed themselves, and it was a joy to watch their smiles light up the room. What a magical way to celebrate the season together!
Kajigaya P2 Josh
This year’s Christmas play went very well, and all of the children worked very hard. I was very proud to see how well my P2 students did, as it wasn’t an easy dance. They tried very hard to get the dance right, and they did a great job. They should all be proud of themselves, as well.
Kajigaya P1 Darryl
The Christmas Play, and the Christmas Play preparation added a new experience to the children’s learning. In class, they put in much effort to be ready to do their part, and to make it the best play yet. It was so fun to watch them on stage as they performed. I know they enjoyed throwing the snowballs! It, truly, was magical watching them. Darryl
Kajigaya P1 Lewis
I was so pleased to see the children performing in the school play. They all worked very hard and tried their best to make the Christmas play an unforgettable experience for those attending and taking part. I was also so proud of how well they did and of how much they enjoyed themselves. I look forward to taking part in the preparation for next year’s Christmas play.
Center Kita K2&K1 Jesse
This year`s Christmas Play was a celebration of winter, and childhood. And it was easy to see how much the students were able to enjoy this throughout the plays lead up and during the performance. This years collaboration with Utsukushigaoka represented the most challenging shared scenes we have ever done, and despite hiccups during rehearsal, the students managed to pull it off flawlessly. One they got going the play was in their hands, and they did a masterful job of telling the story, in their way, all while having a wonderful time. It culminated in an epic battle which the children almost truly lived, certainly making this Christmas play a special memory for all of them.
Center Kita P2 Katrina
The Christmas play was a wonderful experience for the P2, offering them a chance to explore their creativity while developing key skills especially when they were involved in writing the script and coming up with the dance. It was heartwarming to watch the children embrace their roles, from singing songs to acting out festive scenes. Overall, the Christmas play was a fantastic opportunity for the children to build their performing skills, boost their self-assurance, and strengthen their ability to work together as a team. It was a memorable and enriching experience for both the children and their families.
P2にとってクリスマス劇は素晴らしい経験であり、特に台本を考えたり振付けを考えたりすることで、重要なスキルを身につけながら、創造性を探求する機会をもらいました。歌を歌ったりお祝いのシーンを演じたりと、子どもたちがそれぞれの役割を受け入れているのを見るのは心温まるものでした。 全体的に言うとクリスマス劇は子どもたちにとって、演技力を高め、自己肯定感を高め、チームとして協力する力を強化する素晴らしい機会となりました。子どもたちにとっても家族にとっても思い出深い、豊かな経験となりました。
Center Kita P1 Zach
This year for our Christmas play,we put on “The Great Snowball War”. The Center Kita P1s were gung-ho from the very beginning and couldn`t get enough of singing and dancing we did each day in preparation. I was so amazed by their quickness in learning the song and their magnificent bravery of performing on stage in front of dozens of parents. I am beyond proud as their teacher and I hope each and one of them has a memorable experience!!