2024年 後期Field Trip ZoorasiaTeachers’ Comments

11月18日にEnglish ExpressはZoorasiaにField Tripに行ってきました。バスの予約が取れなかったために8日から延期になりましたが、当日もたくさんの小学生が遠足にきていて、園内は混んでいました。先生たちより、子供の様子をリポートしてもらいました。

Utsukushigaoka K2 Matthew

What a terrific day full of wonderful experiences for the children. The children were able to get a close up view of so many animals that they have been learning about throughout the year. Seeing the animals in person gives the children a chance to truly understand their size and appreciate their appearance. We were able to review our knowledge of the animals and, in some cases, add some additional information. The students enjoyed a picnic lunch and were given an opportunity to play after lunch before setting out for more adventure. Everyone talked excitedly about their favourite parts of the day on the bus ride back to school and enjoyed the treats their parents had prepared for them. I was very pleased with how well the children behaved and how they were so curious about the animals and their habitats. I’m sure that the children will have fond memories of the field trip.


Utsukushigaoka K1 Andrew

Utsukushigaoka’s K1 students had a fun and exciting trip to Zoorasia. We saw some fantastic animals and learnt lots about them. All the students were fascinated by seeing such exotic and majestic creatures and I’m sure it helped to foster their love for animals. Some highlights were seeing a cheetah running and watching a rhino eating his breakfast up close. Many of the students talked about the trip for days and weeks after with great fondness. I have no doubt they all look forward to their next visit to Zoorasia.

多くの子どもたちは、次の日からその週の後もずっととても嬉しそうにその話をしていました。次のズーラシアへのField Tripを心から楽しみにしていることは間違いないと思います。

Utsukushigaoka P2 Dominique

Our trip to Zoorasia was a fun adventure for the students at Utsukushigaoka. We saw everything from a lion, a tiger, and an elephant to several monkey and bird species. A particular favorite with the preschool students was the Red Panda. Our visit was timed perfectly to coincide with the panda’s lunchtime! In art class the following week we made monkeys and lions with paper cups and pipe cleaners! The zoo trip was an unforgettable experience that reminded us all of the importance of protecting our planet and its incredible creatures. We look forward to more adventures in the future!


Utsukushigaoka P1 Shane

Our trip to the zoo was such an amazing experience. It was great to have an opportunity to see so many exotic animals that we’ve talked about in class, and to watch their behavior. The children had a lot of thoughts and questions that we talked about as we walked through the zoo, and I was glad to see their curiosity peaked. One of the highlights was when we had a chance to watch a staff member come into the enclosure, and feed the red pandas right in front of us. The children had a great time and I was so glad to see all the children enjoying themselves.


Kajigaya K2 Bill

Zoorasia is always a memorable experience for both children and the teachers. This year the children were especially impressed with the lions and the cheetahs. There was so much to see and talk about, but moreover it was amazing to see their little minds understand a little more of the vast world we live in.


Kajigaya K1 Steven

The kindergarteners were excited and ready to go first thing in the morning. On the bus, it was great to see students interacting with each other and the teachers, having fun during the ride. The big cats were a real highlight, and it was a wonderful experience to share with everyone. The students kept their energy up and embraced the adventure, learning all about the animals and nature. What a fantastic day spent with such a wonderful group!


Kajigaya P2 Josh

The trip to Zoorasia this year was very enjoyable, and the preschoolers all had fun. We all saw a variety of monkeys on our trip through the zoo, which the children were all excited about. I’m sure they’ll be excited for our next field trip.


Kajigaya P1 Darryl

This year’s field trip to Zoorasia was another exciting, and fun-filled adventure for the children. They were already anticipating the ride on the bus, and the chance to see so many different animals. The ride on the bus provided an opportunity for the children to sing songs, play some games and interact with their friends and teachers. It was a very special time for them. Darryl


Kajigaya P1 Lewis

The field trip to Zoorasia was my first day with English Express. It was so nice to meet all of my students and meet all the other teachers and students from the other schools as well. I was very pleased to see all the kids’ smiles and laughter as we went through the zoo looking at all the amazing animals. I look forward to our next field trip with my students.

私のEnglish Expressでの初日がズーラシア動物園の遠足でした。クラスの生徒たちだけでなく、他校の生徒や先生に会えたこともとても良かったです。たくさんの動物を見ながら、子供たちの笑顔や笑い声を聞くことはとても嬉しかったです。子供たちと行く次の遠足もとても楽しみにしています。

Center Kita K1& K2 Jesse

A trip to Zoorasia is always an exciting time for the students, and this time was no exception. We decided that we would pretend to really be going to Africa, South America, and North America, so our imaginations helped spice things up a bit. Africa was certainly the highlight, with the cheetah being a standout for all the children. After lunch the students ventured out on some small group explorations into the forest, and discovered a band of Chimpanzees! Then it was a mad dash out from Africa and into the Americas. The children were up to the challenge, and managed to take in nearly the whole zoo, all while making a game of seeing what animal eats what! A trip, and an adventure, to remember for years to come.


Center Kita Zach

Our field trip to Zoorasia was exciting to say the least. It was a huge adventure for the Center Kita preschoolers and for a lot of them it was their first experience seeing these animals for the very first time. One fun highlight was when the Asian lion came right up to the glass barrier and looked directly at the kids, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen grins so wide in my life! All the meanwhile they were asking me questions about the animals in English!! I can’t wait to see what next years` field trip has in store!




10:00〜18:00 土日祝除く

English Express Kids & Family Only