2024 Graduation Ceremony Teachers‘ Comments

English Expressの2024年3月のGraduation Ceremonyは笑いあり涙ありと感動の卒業式でした。

Kajigaya P1 Rudolf

I am so proud of each and every P1 student that performed during the graduation ceremony. At times, during practice, they struggled to keep their motivation up, but I was astounded by their enthusiasm and performance during the event. I got a bit emotional while they were performing on stage. It was one of the most delightful and proudest moments for me as a teacher. Thank you Preschool 1 Kajigaya!


Kajigaya P2 Darryl

This year’s graduation was another demonstration of the children’s hard work and growing abilities. All of the performances were impressive and entertaining. The graduation is a nice opportunity to see the growth of the students over the year and this year was outstanding! Great job to everyone (parents, students, and teachers) for a great year and a job well done!



Kajigaya P2 Timo

This was my first graduation performance, and it was great to see how well the P2 class did. All of their hard work paid off. I was so happy that they were able to pull off some of the dance moves. I was also elated to hear “Ohhhhh!!!” the crowd made when they executed the “boy-band” move. I am so proud of them all.

初めての卒業公演でしたが、P2クラスの皆さんの頑張りを見ることができてとても嬉しかったです。 彼らの努力はすべて報われ、いくつかのダンスの動きをやり遂げることができた時とても嬉しく思いました。彼らが「ボーイバンド」の動きを成功させたとき、観客からの「おおおお!!!」という歓声を聞き、私も大喜びでした。私は彼ら全員をとても誇りに思っています。

Kajigaya K1 Allan

I am incredibly proud of all the hard work and dedication each of the students have shown throughout the year. Your performance in the graduation play was nothing short of amazing! I wish you all the best of luck in the future.

私は、一年を通して生徒たちが見せてくれた、すべての努力と真剣に取り組む姿勢を非常に誇りに思っています。卒業劇での演技はとにかく素晴らしかったです! 皆様の今後のご多幸をお祈り申し上げます。

Kajigaya K2 Bill

This year’s graduation was amazing. I was so thrilled that my students were able to perform their song and execute a very complex flag routine. The reaction of the parents when my students executed the grand finale was priceless. The kids worked so hard and put on a wonderful performance this year. I couldn’t be prouder of my students.

今年の卒業式は素晴らしかったです。 生徒たちが素晴らしい歌を披露でき、非常に複雑な旗の操作をやりとげ、私はとても感激しました。 生徒たちがグランドフィナーレを披露したときの保護者達の反応は、計り知れないものでした。 今年も子どもたちは一生懸命頑張り、素晴らしい演技を見せてくれました。 生徒たちをこれほど誇りに思ったことはありません。

Centerkita P1 Andrew

This year’s graduation ceremony was a fantastic event, all the students performing gave it their all and did a fantastic job. Pre School 1 students looked especially adorable performing their part of the ceremony. I’d like to commend them for their hard work and dedication this school year, they have grown and matured fantastically. Also a big thank you to all the parents for their continued help and support this year.


Centerkita P2 Zach

I couldn’t be any prouder of Preschool 2’s performance at this year`s graduation! They worked so hard to master both the song and the dance and had a lot of fun doing so! We learned so much this past year and had a blast in the process. I wish my class the best of luck in kindergarten next year and I hope the rest of the students will flourish as well!

今年の卒業式でのプリスクール2のパフォーマンスをこれ以上ないほどに誇りに思います! 彼らは歌とダンスの両方をマスターするために一生懸命練習し、そしてそれをとても楽しんでいました! この一年私たちは多くのことを学び、その過程がとても楽しかったです。来年のKindergartenでの私のクラスの子供たちの幸運を祈り、他の生徒達も同様に成長していくことを願っています!

Centerkita K1&2 Jesse

What a fantastic Graduation ceremony! I couldn’t be prouder of the effort put in by every student, from every school. The performances ranged from the cute, to the sweet, all the way to the amazing. For my own students, I was so impressed by the songs they chose, and the reasons they chose them. They wanted a challenge, they wanted to do something hard, something that took grit. They found it, and performed it spectacularly. I will never forget their performances.


Utsukushigaoka P1 Shane

The graduation ceremony was so wonderful. It was a lot of fun watching all of the student’s performances to close out the school year. I believe that the heartfelt messages and the values demonstrated in the performances will leave a strong impression on the graduating K2 class. I know that the P1 class felt proud of their work, and had a lot of fun preparing for the ceremony. I hope it was as enjoyable to watch as it was to prepare for.


Utsukushigaoka P2 Josh

This year’s graduation ceremony was a roaring success, with all the students from all the schools putting on a stellar performance. All of the students worked so hard, and it certainly paid off. All of the preschool 2 students did such great performances as well, and are definitely ready for kindergarten’s challenges to come. A big thank you to all of the parents that came to support their children, and the teachers involved. I wish you all the best of luck for the future ahead of you all.


Utsukushigaoka K1 Daniel

The students really enjoyed their part in the graduation ceremony. They were happy with the value that they presented, (Respect), and did a great job with memorizing their script and choreography. I was very happy with their performance and I think that the students’ parents appreciated the performance as well. It was very nice that the kindergarten 1 students were able to perform with their kindergarten 2 friends as flag wavers/ background dancers. This gave kindergarten 1 students a chance to give their friends an enthusiastic send off. Performing in the theatre was a special experience, just like the Christmas play, and I believe it helps make the ceremony more memorable and grander.

生徒たちは卒業式で自分の役割を本当に楽しんでいました。 彼らは自分たちが提示した価値 (リスペクト)に満足し、台本と振り付けを暗記するという素晴らしい仕事をしました。 私は彼らのパフォーマンスにとても満足していましたし、生徒たちのご両親もパフォーマンスを高く評価したと思います。 K1の生徒がK2の友達と一緒に旗を振る人/バックダンサーとして踊ることができたのはとても良かったです。劇場で演じることは、クリスマス劇と同じように特別な経験であり、式典をより思い出深い壮大なものにするのに役立ったと信じています。

Utsukushigaoka K2 Matthew

It was wonderful to see the graduates enjoying their final performance during the graduation ceremony. They did a great job with their lines, teamwork, and showed a lot of exuberance when dancing. They also enjoyed participating as background flag wavers during the kindergarten 1 and preschool performances. This gave them a chance to be a part of all their schoolmates songs. The graduates showed their patience, diligence and English ability during the formal ceremony when they were awarded their graduation certificates. Graduates and their parents definitely enjoyed the ceremony and it was wonderful to see all the schools come together for such an important and meaningful event.

卒業式で卒業生が最後のパフォーマンスを楽しんでいる姿は素晴らしかったです。 セリフやチームワークも素晴らしく、ダンスの時も元気いっぱいでした。 またK1やプリスクールの演技の際に旗を振る人として参加することも楽しみました。彼らはすべての歌の一部になる機会も得ました。卒業証明書を授与された正式な式典で卒業生たちは忍耐力、勤勉さ、英語力を示しました。 卒業生とその保護者たちは間違いなく式典を楽しんでおり、このような重要で有意義なイベントのために3校が一丸となっているのを見るのは素晴らしいことでした。



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