ハロウィーンパーティーを2024年10月26日(土)に梶ヶ谷校で、開催します。お気に入りのコスチュームに仮装して、一緒に楽しい時間を過ごしましょう!! スタンプラリー、仮装パレード、 ハロウィンスナック、お化け屋敷など楽しい企画をたくさん準備しています。スタンプを集めるとお菓子や景品と交換できます!(景品交換所は込み合うことがありますので、随時交換して下さい。)
参加ご希望の方は10月11日(金)までに 参加費を以下のslip(申込書)に添えて、お申込下さい。(〆切厳守)
▶Halloween_Party 申込書 PDF_ダウンロードはこちら2024
時間: 1st Group (未就学児(~6歳))2:00~3:30
時間: 2nd Group (小学生)4:00~5:30
場所:English Express International School 梶ヶ谷校
神奈川県川崎市高津区末長1-23-21 2F
We invite family and friends to our Annual Halloween Party on Sat., Oct. 26th, 2024! Come dressed in your favorite costume and be ready to have a blast! There will be ghoulish games, scary snacks, wicked wares, a mysterious stamp rally, a haunted house, devilish dancing, and more! It is sure to be an afternoon of excitement and adventure that no one should miss. So everyone is welcome -Though we must limit parents to those of pre-elementary aged children and younger.
Age: Baby to 12 years old – if you are Baby to pre-elementary aged you must be accompanied by a parent. Elementary-aged students should be unaccompanied.
Date: Sat. , October 26th, 2024
Time:1st Group 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Age: Baby to 6 years old)
Time:2nd Group 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Age: Elementary-aged Students)
Place:English Express International School Kajigaya School
1-23-21-2F, Suenaga, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa
TEL: 044-872-8890 FAX: 044-872-8891
Cost: ¥2,500/Child ※Non-refundable once applied.
Bring:Indoor shoes
Dress:Halloween costume
Application Deadline:Oct. 11th, 2024